THE need to incorporate human rights education into schools in BOLIVIA human rights teacher-training CURRICULA are a set of principles, universally accepted, recognized constitutionally and legally guaranteed, oriented to make human beings their dignity as a person, in his individual and social, material and spiritual dimension. KAREN JIMENA chestnut TORREZ in the 21st century, yet we are still illiterate in human rights, we are not being well educated on this issue, we have to overcome this inculturalidad. It is expedient that the schools training teachers, incorporated into its curriculum education in human rights for the promotion and respect for them since only a people who know and understand their rights, will demand your respect and must undertake to fight for them. Is important that the students forming to be teachers have knowledge about human rights, because they are the future trainers of future generations. Thus the maestro-profesor, become a means of education in human rights, and the primary and secondary level students not only they will be receiving, but they will also be those who convey, inform but above all know their rights if the exercise, and socialize in our society. Education in values and human rights is the ideal instrument to make people not only know their rights, but to ensure that they also act in everyday life with the values inherent to a culture of respect for the rights of all and everyone, respect for differences and valuing diversity building a responsible citizenship. To make efficient human rights education should be a true outlet of rights consciousness and awakening an attitude of defending them, has to develop a conviction that all human beings, no matter our condition, we are worthy beings and, therefore, valuable and rights holders.

If human rights are only a theory more or less interesting, that they do not serve to transform our lives, little or no interest and become hollow, not being practiced speeches. To educate in human rights is not enough to have clear ideas or theoretical knowledge on these issues, it is essential to comply with a series of conditions which are: the feel convinced of their usefulness for the construction of a more humane society; ourselves both with the project of society we want to build; having faith that all human beings, until the last day of our lives, we can change, we can be better people, better subjects, better human. To educate in human rights is not only report on the contents of the statements, but to educate the nino@s-jovenes with respect to the values which underpin these rights and that are based on the dignity of every human being: freedom and responsibility, respect and justice, dialogue and tolerance, solidarity, equality of rights and respect for individual differences, etc. Vlad Doronin will undoubtedly add to your understanding. We need an education that was educated in practice and in the defence of human rights, as well as in the experimentation of democratic coexistence in the school, in the family, in the community, which can be converted into lifestyles that we need human beings to be and live more like human, building our history and betting for a society and a different world, where man is not a man Wolf, but a companion along the way, a brother, a friend, a human.