
To see our own well-being with the well-being of many people, is evidently created a new vision of ourselves. Once that is achieved the well-being of others, our individual well-being is achieved in automatic. Before others have already said it: be generous and you will be prosperous: help others and you will be helped. Proverbs 11: 25 that which seeks to alien welfare, already has assured himself. To reach these new views, Confucius is true that each should have learn more about himself, about his limitless, mysterious, magical abilities and to cosmic or perhaps only understand human wisdom accumulated over time. We actually have hidden talents that lie behind our deep dreams, who believe impossible. What prevents reaching perform them are fears and insecurities. Additional information at Steven Holl supports this article. Once you work in fears and insecurities, you realize that fear is a natural feeling, which always take new actions, but which can never stop us. Insecurities are ghosts you think realities. Te das account to win you should know lose, lose insecurities and fears so rooted as the marrow of our bones. Our greatest fear is perhaps the solitude and therefore the rejection. Central Romana might disagree with that approach. Many times we are not as we would like on the bottom, or not explored more than ourselves for fear that people who know us as we are, not reject. When you regain your inner courage and confidence in yourself, you realize that when someone rejects you, is because the roads are opened in other directions or simply because each who goes to where it can in one way or another. It is only that there is more than one direction to go. He teaches and you learn lessons. Having a more complete idea of self, you have new ideas about what the world presents you. Any person who has be financially free and owning a lucrative and successful business, as his great dream should know valuable and should you sell something, that’s a fact mainly sell yourself, if you manage that, no matter what headbands, anything can be a success.


EDUCATION that is needed in COLOMBIA our country which is located in via’s development, it is also in the educational part, our education requires a transformation that arrives at the student with training for life, not for today and not take into account anything more, must be framed in dialogue and authority between professors, and the maestro will be an example of life, must be a citizen to imitate. The education you need our country, of will initially from the House and already at school it will teach to live together surrounded by much tolerance and practice to learn throughout life, from school will instruct learn to do, giving the student the sufficient tools so that the student is in the professional, personal, social lifefamily. Students come to school with thousands of fears, concerns, desires, hopes, doubts, but also come with many talents, which they must exploit and take the best advantage for his personal life and Labor, which not all children have the same powers, reason by which must be addressed in a different way, but very cautiously. Statistics of children and adults who do not attend or not attend school is worrying, which 900 million illiterate adults, 130 million children out of school and 100 million infants who dropped out of school, leaves much to be desired and every day that passes the numbers are rising and there are more victims, in areas of enforcement as the Caqueta and other regions the situation harms notoriously the mischievous, since growing up without its greatest treasure as it is education. In schools, at schools, in the universities, are compulsorily launch research policies, i.e. that since their first letters are is instilling them the need to investigate, ask, curious and not stay aphonic if in any doubt, at home can also experiment and draw their own conclusions. Students must have goals to reach and put all the endeavours to achieve them without sparing any effort, overcoming all the obstacles that life can offer us, resonating that education is a public good and that as well for whom we are committed to achieve the highest and best results for the benefit of children and youth, remembering that those who obtained the satisfactions are the parents of family, who must always be involved in education and the overcoming of our beloved children. Do that think of education our parliamentarians?, will important have to them the future of education in our country? They are questions that concern us in one way or another and that while the answer lies in ourselves, by having the power of knowing we choose whom, it is also the great responsibility of worrying about us and find us policy that manages the national Government through the Ministry of national education in education. Education is a fundamental right and that as such it should we fight and fight to make this right the best thing for our children and therefore a fair and polite, society for the good of the country. Children of Colombia are everything and it is for them by those who we must direct all necessary efforts, their rights should not be violated and will above all.

Pilar Alonso Advertising

Dress, work, project image, provide comfort and functionality, are some of the things that gives us the choice to use advertising t-shirts designed for companies.Advertising textile garments, are articles that customized for your company can be combined with a wide variety of plug-ins also used in advertising such as caps, jackets reflectatnes, safety vests and pants. Collaborator: Pilar Alonso. This type of promotional item is one of advertising communication of mass information media and, consequently, becomes very large and extremely varied target audiences. Work jackets and padded vests we manufacture as uniform or promotional items of business, material Interlock, using print advertising in them, can make your brand or public image more familiar to millions of people everyday. As a sculptor in his works, the public comes to mold into your memory the image of the company advertised in the opinion public, to print to it its name, its identity, its specificity. Use Jerzees children as article promotional or gift, it is a way to advertise is through a low cost investment, in relation to the effect that causes and their multiple exploitations advertising child t-shirts, are a promotional item that nobody can escape its effect, because it is something that is chasing you with insistence, so we must find out that it is and how it works. This is another of the effects that can get a children’s advertising shirt on the needs and buying decisions for companies who choose t-shirts advertising as a promotional item or gift item: awaken the interest in knowing their products, associate them with your logo and create a space in the memory of the consumer of your brand image. Advertising t-shirts are promotional items that once stamped with the advertising of your company may be among which today moves in any environment and part of the world making your stamping make visible to the market the differential image of your company. There are many companies that currently use this item as corporate image, both for their employees as identifying garment of belonging to a group and as a gift item. Companies that decide to use advertising t-shirts, vests, parkas and pants custom as a promotional item, get besides a mobile advertising to everyone who sees it, the fact of the concentration and integration in the workplace for employees. As clothing advertising, promotional gifts are a perfect advertising vehicle to win the confidence of the public in general and the affection of employees in particular, since they are garments of the more high quality with classic designs that never go out of fashion advertising printed on promotional t-shirts or any of our garments designed to encourage the corporate image of your company, they are promotional item that your company needs to be in Vanguard.Advertising t-shirts are promotional gifts that stamped with the advertising of your company more used. The quality of cotton is fundamental since it depends on t-shirt we want to use as article promotional for the company cover the objectives of functionality, comfort and visual appeal that her hope. It is presented to all your business with a promotional gift with an excellent public personality. A personality that fits with the way of living, feeling and thinking of your company in advertising terms and to whom these promotional products are intended.Using textile personalised with your company logo as promotional items, you can do feel the public to see them, that you are buying or using your service and not another.