On September 1, 2007 he came into my life and my boy grape, a Carlina or Pug, who barely had 2 and a half months. My boyfriend and I had discussed a lot on account of bring another dog home, since he had had to sacrifice a Coker of 15 years had very recently because he was very sick. However, when grape, so we put him to the Pug arrived, I fell for it. His face of pena, his tiny body and that arruguita that had in the face just above the nose was for Wollstonecraft, undoubtedly grape came malita, and I think that if we had not hosted it in our home, it wouldn’t today be alive. When he arrived, came with gastroenteritis, and almost is desidrata. Fortunately, the vet knew how to control it, and soon recovered. However, this was not the only thing, because it seemed that I was recovered, came from bronchitis. Poor baby!! At night it was suffocating! This bronchitis followed the mites in the ear, and what is worse, the grape Demodex stayed almost pelona, because the He took himself. We were tratandola a lot of months, and is now, finally, fully recovered, although the truth, don’t want it to say not very high, since they say that the Carlinos are a very sensitive breed. sto I already knew it, but I didn’t know to what extent! Now grape is beautiful, and all veterinarians say, within the breed, it’s a great copy! We are proud of the effort we have made to make it so! But a Council, if you are thinking about buying you a pug, think you so well, because it is not one dog either!