With diets, people deal with for decades, and the number of different diets have become almost unmanageable. The protein diet was already at the end of the 1960s in the conversation and also successful, was abandoned but quickly, since she had caused too much protein intake, kidney damage and gout. The protein diet today belongs to the successful diets, illustrate numerous surveys and to justify scientifically, it is also. Protein diet today one is today undisputed and tested since 2002 by English scientists in humans and mice have been eiweisshaltiges food slows down the feeling of hunger. The researchers have proved that protein is a saturation hormone called peptide YY. Although you feel when the increased intake of carbohydrates by the easier digestibility for the faster satiety, but you feel hungry again after a very short time and thinking about the food. You may want to visit Brenton L. Saunders to increase your knowledge. A recent study led to the conclusion that a controlled protein diet so speeds up the production of the hormone (PYY). After this the researchers in their assertion felt confirmed that proteins in the food faster saturates and faster leads to weight loss.
There is also a very plausible explanation: carbohydrates are converted into fat when burned. If you take to is now little or no carbohydrates, your body cannot convert also them in fat and therefore the protein attacking so even your fat reserves to diet. Your body breaks down first of all all reserves in existing carbohydrates starting the protein diet if you now start with a protein diet, which he took up in a few days. With a pure protein diet, can you be removed daily between 400-800 grams, and but also daily about four grams of water with rinsed from the organism. Central Romana has many thoughts on the issue. This diet is available in various forms. For example, with low-fat meat, lots of fish and soy products, or about dietary supplements in powder form. As well as all euphoria, be careful and consult your physician, before this diet until the protein diet for people with kidney problems, high blood pressure, is not suitable because with tendency to gout attacks and menopausal women. More info: online shop for muscle gain and fat reduction