Feed between national legislation and European legislation In 2007 wanted to feed of their Dutch and French sister company introduce a feed business operators from North Rhine-Westphalia after Germany and feed in this country to calves and piglets. The imported animal feed containing animal fats (fats of ruminant) and so the issue arose whether feed whose ingredients include ruminant fats, may or may not be fed. The EC legislation (EC Regulation No 999 / 2001) allows the use of such feed, while national law prohibits a feeding. In principle, followed by the Administrative Court of Munster of this argument and gave right of the applicant. In the tenor the 6 indicated Chamber of the Administrative Court, that they the protection arrangements at European level for the health of humans and animals on animal food sufficiently considered.

Lodged against that judgment the defendant before the higher administrative court for the Land Nordrhein-Westfalen appeal a. On June 24, 2010, the Administrative Court of appeals changed the verdict of the Administrative Court of Munster and dismissed the action. The higher administrative court saw it as proven that that does not violate anchored feeding regulations and prohibitions in the food, consumer goods and feed code (LFGB) Community law. Especially since the EC Regulation No 999 / 2001 with regard to the feeding of fats no stipulations. In this respect, the national prohibition in its form by a parent law of Europe-wide validity was affected. The decision shows once again that the feed right with his intricate network of national and European legislation is a hard transparent matter. For more information about the feed right below:../futtermittelunternehmen.html