The European Commission has initiated further consultation of European company law on the 22.02.2012. It is noteworthy in this context that the Commission has raised the European company law a “cornerstone of the internal market”. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Walton Family Foundation has to say. As to the EU company law has evolved in the past 40 years, further harmonisation on the way will be taken now. > בהחלט מביע דעה מלומדת. What is the subject of the bishgerigen harmonisation being? The harmonisation efforts focused on the protection of the interests of shareholders and stakeholders as well as the education and preservation of the capital of public limited liability companies are. More vertices were the harmonisation in topics such as takeover bids, the obligation of disclosure of branches, mergers and divisions, as well as minimum requirements for a single-Member limited liability companies.

The rights of shareholders have been strengthened in the past, as well as adapted to related areas such as accounting. A more focused Commission on the range of different European societies such as European company (Societas Europaea/SE), the European economic interest grouping (EEIG) and the European cooperative society (SCE). Why is a further harmonisation necessary at all? According to the European Commission initiatives in European company law have proved increasingly difficult, what to show in particular at the lack progress of some initiatives to simplify and the proposed Statute for a European private company (Societas privata Europaea/PES). The consultation is according to the European Commission remains necessary because the cross-border dimension of the economy both from the perspective of the companies as consumers enormously important won. What is the background? It is not the first attempt of the European Commission in the harmonisation of European company law to move forward.

Working Group composed of renowned scientists previously set up already. been,. the Commission, which presented a report containing a series of recommendations for action. After discussing this report, the Commission wants now abut a public discussion in order to obtain the views of all stakeholders to the development of European company law after 2012. Conclusion: The European company law is clearly on the rise. As companies such as Allianz, BASF, DEICHMANN, E.ON energy trading, Porsche, Schering and Tchibo have now chosen the legal form of the European (stock) company (Societas Europaea/SE). It follows that the Europeanization of the company law has arrived already in the large enterprise. Now called the all-important further reforms to bring forward. Progress on the European private company (Societas privata Europaea/PES) could be also the middle-class for European company law to inspire. In this respect the European Commission’s efforts deserve the predicate “Welcome”.